In January, 2002, on a shoot at the Ryman Audtorium in Nashville, I walked through the backstage door and met Katie Brooks. We’ve been great friends ever since. We’ve shared confidences almost daily, and even though we’ve only actually seen each other “in person” 3 separate times over the years, we’ve come to actualize Aristotle’s definition of Friendship as “one spirit dwelling in two bodies”…Even at a great distance, these days, friendships can flourish. She’s a performer, a songwriter, and the President of a veterans’s service organization. A true Renaissance Woman, Katie’s always in motion. She’s also extremely independent and totally her own truly original person. She’s different than me in background and political and religious beliefs, and in almost every way that usually keeps people apart.. With Katie Brooks, however, none of those things matter…Katie’s pure Light. It’s a joy to know her. Oh, and congrats on her recent (2-24-07) marriage to The Marine Colonel.