Coldplay at ACL Festival, September 25, 2005

For the fourth year of its existence the Austin City Limits Festival brought in Coldplay to headline the last night. Chris Martin, the driving force and frontman, is an incredible performer. I don’t know what planet I’ve been on, but I’ve largely missed the furor surrounding this astounding band. I didn’t think I knew any of their music, but I recognized every song they did…And now I’ve got to say that they’re my favorite contemporary band…(with the possible exception of Wilco). These guys are fantastic. They gave a great performance. See them if you can before they get too big.

Partying in New Orleans, Jan 2004

I’ve been perusing images shot in New Orleans that convey the spirit that permeates the city. I have lots of travelogue type shots, but I keep coming back to this one… I love New Orleans. It’s unlike any other place in the world. The city seems to understand to its core the connection between intoxication and creative inspiration. People come from far away to drink of its essence, and have been for centuries. Here, two women laugh as hard as humanly possible. A lot of that used to happen in New Orleans. I hope it happens again soon.

Neville Brothers at Austin City Limits 1994

Since my last posting three weeks ago, Hurricane Katrina has come and gone. In response, I’ll be posting images of great New Orleans musicians to remind us all of The Big Easy’s priceless cultural contributions (music, food, and attitude). Austin calls itself “The Live Music Capital of the World”. I’ve often thought the claim was somewhat overblown, although arguably true, since New Orleans has: the French Quarter (10-20 times bigger than 6th Street), centuries of live music tradition, an entire indigenous art form of music known as Jazz, and, most of all, they have The Neville Brothers. My personal opinion is that the Nevilles are the best live music band in the world…but I digress. I went to a show this weekend in Austin where I found out that many of New Orleans’ finest musicians have taken refuge here….including at least one of the fabulous Nevilles. Maybe, until New Orleans is rebulit, we really are the Live Music Capitol of the World.

Blue Heron Taking Flight, Cumberland River, Tennessee, August 2005

One of the reasons I love photography is that sometimes you can see, and capture, the Spiritual in the Physical for all to share. Here a Blue Heron takes off from a branch overlooking the river. The blurred form of it taking flight looks like what I really believe it to be: Life Erupting and Lauching Forth.

Osprey, Cumberland River, Tennessee, August 2005

Lately, on a shoot in Nashville, I was treated to a boat ride on the Cumberland River. We saw an incredible panoply of birds, including this Osprey, a Bald Eagle, and many different species of Herons. Like the American Indians, I believe Spirit motivates all wild animals; more accurately, I believe they’re essentially Spirit made flesh. As such, their appearance has meaning beyond their physical presence. I’m not perceptive enough to discern what exactly their presence connotes, but, like a child standing in front of a mountain, I can tell you that it’s big and important. Suffice to say, I felt honored that this Osprey allowed me to photograph her.