Neko Case, Austin City Limits, August 2003

I really like Neko Case. She doesn’t know me from Adam, but she’s one of those rare accessible performers that you feel like you know, even if you’ve only heard or seen her. Here, you can see her inner glow. She was just the subject of a New York Times Magazine article (Feb 15, 2009), which will tell you more than I can allude to. Suffice to say, she’s a marvelous, quirky, unique performing artist. She evidently lives in many places all over this country and Canada; I’d love to see her more here in Austin.

Townes Van Zandt; 1983, Austin,TX

Ah, Townes…he was one of the more interesting fellow travelers I’ve known. Now revered as the archetypical songwriter’s songwriter, he was a gifted poet who had a close relationship with a strong personal muse, or daimon, who, in turn, gave him whole songs at a time…Once he woke up from a fever to pen one of his greatest songs, then went back to bed and didn’t remember the song when he reawakened. Townes deserved every break he ever got, and there weren’t many. Daimons can be demanding. I miss my fellow Piscean.

My Morning Jacket, Austin City Limits 2005

This band is great. We see the best of American (and more!) live acts at Austin City Limits; these guys are as good as anyone….They appeared this currently showing season (season 34), but I like this shot from their hair-throwing-around stage of season 31. You may have seen them then–they had this amazing ability to shake their heads constantly, while they were playing and singing, keeping their long copious locks in a constant blur all around their heads, and in their faces. It was quite an image. Very rock-ish. It would have been silly, but they’re just sooooo good. (And now they’ve stopped that distracting hair thing). Keep your eyes open for Jim James, MMJ’s lead singer….he’s really different, unique, and special.

Toni Price, Austin City Limits 2000

Toni Price has had a long run as Austin’s hippie-diva blues singer. Her Hippie Hour at the Continental Club on Tuesday Evenings became the one place you could dependably find the “old Austin” of mythological archaic memory and legend…Now that she’s moved (to San Diego), I’m not sure where you can dependably find it. AS an aside, this is the first of many music postings. I’m working on a couple of books, to be published at UT Press next year…Both are about Austin City Limits, so I’ve generated many, many music/performance images. Might as well do a little advance work…

Dad and Mom Walkin’ the Mall; Jan 5 2009 Tampa, Florida

This is a song of love for my parents: Col. George L Newton (retired), and his wife of almost 64 years, Earlene M Newton. Mom just turned 84, I went to visit them. They are so full of life and fighting the brave fight of old age. Mom’s still tack sharp, Dad is in the early stages of late-onset Alzheimer’s; they fight back by tirelessly power-walking the local mall and staying as active as possible. It’s working pretty well for Dad–early stage has stayed that way. While I was there, they got word that yet another of their great, life-long friends had suddenly died. Mom just shook her head and misted a bit. “Sometimes it’s just too much”, she said. “Old age ain’t for sissies”. Then she got up to finish cooking a perfect dinner. I’m proud I get to carry on the DNA, genetic and spiritual, they passed on to and through me. I believe, on some level, you pick your parents before you’re born. I did a great job, way back when.

Merry Christmas from the Newton Family ! Dec 24, 2008; South Austin, Texas

L-R top row: Kambria, Zane, Karen, Hawk, Orion. L-R seated: Zadie, Scott, Kaia. Zane & Karen’s wonderful girls’ laughter filled Granpa’s house on Christmas Eve, and the Newton Boys’ mirth and good cheer spilled out into the beautiful night…. Merry Christmas to All !!! May Love fill every corner of the entire World!!! No Exceptions!

Sarah McLachlin: Austin City Limits, Dec.8, 2008

Sarah McLachlin is one of the best I’ve ever seen. She does a thing with her voice, where it slides from high register to falsetto, with so much skill and grace and seeming ease that she lifts everyone right along with her to where angels live. And she’s super nice, to boot… Which leads me to why I picked this shot. With someone like her, images of trancelike sublime ecstasy made while channeling that sound she sings to (and for) everyone–that shot is usually what I go for, since it’s what the artist looks like while in the thrall of the Source… But Sarah brings so much of her own positive energy to her performance… I thought I’d share a shot where you can catch a glimpse of who her stage personality, (and seemingly real persona) is, too….

Jakob Dylan; Austin City Limits. July 8, 2008

There’s something visually haunting, and revealing, about the gamble of the unaccompanied performing musician. All alone, under the spotlight, everybody watching. Now, be brilliant for us. It’s a big circle; the lights and attention shining down… and the song, the living song, offered back up. The magic, of course, is where the song comes from: That place of Creation, the spot where the observer observes from, the Rock from whence the poet channels the Divine spark…The place we touch the Much Larger Thing, or God…Or whatever you call it…. I call it the Muse. Anyway, that’s my take on the deal…. And here’s a shot of it.

The Future. My Granddaughters. November 23, 2008

Meet (l-r) Zadie, Kambria and Kaia Newton. Sisters. This shot was made on the wonderful occasion of my granddaughter Kambria’s second birthday, here in Austin; at Zilker Park, right by Barton Springs. I’m continually, and constantly, astounded by how fast time sprints by! Only 6 years ago none of these now-tethered spirits were corporal. Now they look back expectedly, like we have something to teach them. I hope I do. They already know so much.